The Scarecrow is a fantastic short animation film in 3D with a strong message: the giant multinational companies are currently lowering the quality of our food to make more profits. In the universe of The Scarecrow, the scarecrows are now workers of the multinational Crow Foods. But one of them wants to change the system.This short-film is directed by the prestigious Moonbot Studios, that explain the mind-blowing quality of models, animations and framings. The beautiful song is by Fiona Apple. The short-film is produced by Chipotle as an introduction of the game The Scarecrow. You can find more information about this project on the official site.
Mat Miller is an English illustrator based in Bristol and currently working freelance. This young artist has a very interesting style which mixes traditional and digital techniques.
Mlle Hipolyte is a French artist specialized in illustration and paper design. She notably created a very colorful and detailed set of animals with tiny pieces of paper.
Raph Lomotan is a young illustrator based in Manila, Philippines. He works in freelance on different projects and draws mainly characters and creatures from imaginary universes.
Semi-Permanent is an event of design conferences and they have a pretty amazing introduction video for the 2015 edition. Created by Raoul Marks, this production impresses us with a beautiful art direction and a top-notch...