Here is another excellent short animation film made by students from The Animation Workshop. Last Fall is the story of a man and his daughter who try to survive to a plane crash. The drawings are beautiful and the animations very great. A nice work by Andreas Thomsen, Ole Gulbrandsen, Louie Ishii and Esben Andersen.
Mat Miller is an English illustrator based in Bristol and currently working freelance. This young artist has a very interesting style which mixes traditional and digital techniques.
Mlle Hipolyte is a French artist specialized in illustration and paper design. She notably created a very colorful and detailed set of animals with tiny pieces of paper.
Raph Lomotan is a young illustrator based in Manila, Philippines. He works in freelance on different projects and draws mainly characters and creatures from imaginary universes.
Semi-Permanent is an event of design conferences and they have a pretty amazing introduction video for the 2015 edition. Created by Raoul Marks, this production impresses us with a beautiful art direction and a top-notch...