Sometimes it can be hard to find the words to depict a work as it is almost perfect. It’s the case for Eye of the Storm, short-animates film directed by Christopher Alender and produced by Soapbox...
Hit by a bomb during his first mission, a soldier discovers that he now has super powers and starts to be “Captain Awesome”. But how this hero will react when he will have to choose...
BlackFace : The Sacred Legend tells the story of an English colonist who is decided to find and kill a monkey supposed crowned in the Indian forest. The rumor says that this monkey is eternal but...
Your are more and more numerous to read us from every part of the world and so the blog continues to evolved. You might have noticed some minor changes today: the main menu has been...
Tous des monstres is a short-film with an original and mature universe. It explore the theme of monstrosity, not only physical but also moral. The story tell us the arrival of a young humpback orphan in a...
A man drives his car furiously down a narrow road, surrounded by a vast forest. When he encounters a deer in the middle of the road he makes a villainous attempt to ram it. At...
A gorgeous visual style, amazing animations, a fantastic soundtrack and an original story: this perfectly define The Backwater Gospel, a short animation film released in the beginning of this year and which will be probably...
“A young prisoner comes into a crazy jail, where everything could happen. Smaller and weaker than the others, he becomes the scapegoat of the place. One day, everything changes, and he finally turns into the...
Ths week we feature a short animation film based on humor again. Antoine Bertrand is a young French military who dies in the battlefield with a head-shot. Unfortunately if he wants to be in paradise, he...
Here is a new short animation film that we will make you smile. The Saga of Biorn tells the story of an old viking called Biorn. These latest wants to die honorably in a battle...
When the dragon falls in love with the princess, the valiant knight must battle a lot more than excepted if he wants to keep the main role. This is the story of Dragonboy, as simple...
An artist in a dark subway station is desperately searching inspiration when he suddenly discovers a passage to a world when the creation has no limits. The original story of this short-film isn’t is only strength: it’s atmosphere and...
Once more it’s a short animation film from Supinfocom Arles that we feature today. In 1632, Hezarfen attempt the first flight of the human being and want to jump from the Galata tower in Istanbul. But his clumsiness...
In a futuristic conflict in a global scale, the robots have replaced human soldiers on the battlefield and are now able to transform themselves. Two of these fight in a desert street but are they...
A lonely girl living alone on a blue flying whale sees some change in her life when a young man with wings falls from the sky. This short-film was made in 3D Animation section of...
If you thought you’ve seen everything in terms of 3D movies with an amazing mise-en-scene, you maybe think different after watching ShapeShifter. This two minutes short-film based on the theme of metamorphosis is amazing on many aspects.
The pilot of a cargo spaceship navigate in space for a long, long time and he’s still not even close from his arrival on Earth. His life is boring and he suffers from loneliness. Except that...
We’ve been waiting for it for months and it’s finally online: “it” is for Meet Buck of course. This project has a graphical aspect very close to the excellent Salesman Pete, which is not surprising considering the two...
We inaugurated the “Short Animation Film” section with a masterpiece by Grzegorz Jonkajtys : Ark. This week we feature another short animation film in 3D of this Polish director, now based in California.
With its title (nursery school in English) and its little main character, it’s easy to think that Maternelle target children in first place. Wrongfully because this short-film tells us the story of a young boy...