The Short Animation Film of the week is called French Roast. If that name seems familiar to you it’s normal : it has received many awards and has been nominated at the Oscars this year.
Today, discover a huge selection of artworks and 3D renders of the most famous heroines of the videogames industry. They are numerous and each one has her own style et her charms.
Steve Goodin is 29 years-old Graphic Designer and Motion Designer currently living in Sacramento (USA). He is the author of posters and flyers based on an exceptional typographical work.
Dutch freelance Graphic Designer and student, Jeroen van Eerden is a 23 years-old artist who dazzles our eyes with his very original, colourful and well-realized abstract works.
Big Catch Movie is a short animation film directed by the freelance Moles Merlo in 2010. This film is an end of study project. The story takes place at the seaside where a shark wants...
Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way.
Loïc “Kiluka” Dupasquier is a 20 years-old Swiss designer specialized in web. The stunning quality of his works has been recently reward by a prestigious FWA. Meet an artist which has a bright future ahead...
Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way.
When a young French couple decides to create a short animation film in 3D it gives Meet Meline, a true masterpiece which currently makes a lot of buzz on the web !
Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way.
This week is all about action with Round 6, a short animation film featuring an imaginary sport, the Fragball, where players compete at the risk of their life.
Nicolas Bouvier, best known under the name Sparth, is a worldwide known Concept Artist. He has worked on games such as Assassin’s Creed, Rage and Prince of Persia : Warrior Within. He has not only...
This is not Saturday but nevertheless here is an absolutely amazing black & white short film that is poetic, romantic, fascinating and touching at the same time!
Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way.
As you may have noticed, many short animation films bet on humour and on totally improbable situations. It is notably the case for the very funny Elk Hair Caddis.
Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way.
In a vast amusement park considering as a planet, a mad scientist turns animals into feather-brain employees until the day when a rabbit escape his laboratory.
Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way.
Pigeon Impossible is, as its name implies, a short animation film which the main strength is abrasive humour. But it is also exceptional on many other domains.
Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way.