Branque Brol Tambours is not only a strange title, it’s a very original short-film directed by four students of Supinfocom : Aurélien Breton, Lionel Brouyère, Benoît Leuleu and Caroline Muhoza Gasnier. Unlike the other short...
Fat is a short animation film directed by three students of Supinfocom Arles during their last year: Gary Fouchy, Yohann Auroux Bernard and Sebastien De Oliveira Bispo.
At the beginning of the Great Depression, the industry is in a massive crisis and it is almost impossible for a man to find a job. Frank goes through the jobs offers in the newspaper...
Out of the Ordinary is a short animation film created by eight students of The Animation Workshop : Tommy Kinnerup, Dennis Jensen, Nikki Starostka, Atli V. Hafsteinsson, Stine Sæthre , Sandra N. Andersen, Keld Nissen...
The bachelor short-films from the prestigious school The Animation Workshop are online and we start featuring these today with Memoria. Beyond is beautiful realization, we especially like the atmosphere and story.
Coca-Cola put online a short-film lasting more than six minutes. It’s the story of their famous polar bears, regularly used in their ads. Directed by Ridley Scott and created by a professionnal team, this video...
Perceptive is a short animated film mixing 2D and 3D. It was made by Dane Winn and Charlie Miller in only 10 days. The final result is excellent so it’s a big achievement. We are...
Juliette Oberndorfer is a young French artist skilled in 3D and illustration. She created LUX as her graduation short-film during her last year at the EMCA. The artistic universe of this short-film is strange and...
We feature today the clip of a song called Dorothy, written and sing by Yunyu. Dorothy is a young girl lost in space, or more precisely a reproduction of space with a human scale, like...
One Day is one of the latest video produced in the French school Gobelins. This short-film was directed by five students during their third year: Joël Corcia, Bung Nguyen, Thomas Reteuna, Laurent Rossi and Bernard...
We featured today a musical clip created by Clement Picon for the song About the sea of j.viewz. We especially like the great artistic style used for this animation. This minimalistic 3D is charming.
A young girl enters into a failing magic shop and receive from the owner a rabbit that can do some tricks. But some of these are not safe. That’s the story of Rabbitkadabra!, a visually gorgeous...
Little Red is a project from the Silsoe Mouse duo composed by the film director Ben Turner and the composer Pascal Bideau. With the help of some experts in animation from the prestigious studio The...
Peter Tarka is a 20 years old graphic designer and illustrator from Wroclaw, Poland. His specialty is to create strong typographic art works. He is also a member of the collectives the Slashthree, Keystone Design Union and...
Apotheosis is a short animation film by Alex Gee and Pujesh Joshi. It fascinates us with its particular atmosphere and its brillant art direction. This short-film use minimalistic 3D with big and really visible polygons....
To celebrate our third anniversary, Art-Spire organizes a special giveaway in affiliation with Tokkun Academy. Tokkun Academy is a company producing high-quality video tutorials in the fields of digital paintings and 3D. Each tutorial lasts...
Oceansize is a French short-animation film directed by four students of Supinfocom Arles in 2008: Romain Jouandeau, Adrien Chartie, Gilles Mazieres and Fabien Thareau. In a station in the middle of the ocean, an expedition in...
Well-known in the digital art world for its books about illustration and 3D, 3DTotal Publishing is currently looking for some funds to produce a strategic card battle game.
Today we featured an absolutely gorgeous short film directed by four students. Thomas Bozovic, Alexandre Cazals, Julien Legay and Chao Ma created A Fox Tale during their last year at the school of Supinfocom Arles.
Here is an absolutely crazy short-film! A farmer is on the road with a giant pig in the back of his truck when an UFO suddenly attacks them. Why are they the target and how...