Here is a new amazing short animation film from the French school Gobelins. It was directed by six students: Simon Bouchard, Jean-Baptiste Cumont, Sylvain Fable, Guillaume Fesquet, Adeline Grange, Maxime Mary and Julien Rossire. Who’s Afraid of...
One Day is one of the latest video produced in the French school Gobelins. This short-film was directed by five students during their third year: Joël Corcia, Bung Nguyen, Thomas Reteuna, Laurent Rossi and Bernard...
We featured today a musical clip created by Clement Picon for the song About the sea of j.viewz. We especially like the great artistic style used for this animation. This minimalistic 3D is charming.
A young girl enters into a failing magic shop and receive from the owner a rabbit that can do some tricks. But some of these are not safe. That’s the story of Rabbitkadabra!, a visually gorgeous...
Little Red is a project from the Silsoe Mouse duo composed by the film director Ben Turner and the composer Pascal Bideau. With the help of some experts in animation from the prestigious studio The...
Apotheosis is a short animation film by Alex Gee and Pujesh Joshi. It fascinates us with its particular atmosphere and its brillant art direction. This short-film use minimalistic 3D with big and really visible polygons....
Oceansize is a French short-animation film directed by four students of Supinfocom Arles in 2008: Romain Jouandeau, Adrien Chartie, Gilles Mazieres and Fabien Thareau. In a station in the middle of the ocean, an expedition in...
Today we featured an absolutely gorgeous short film directed by four students. Thomas Bozovic, Alexandre Cazals, Julien Legay and Chao Ma created A Fox Tale during their last year at the school of Supinfocom Arles.
Here is an absolutely crazy short-film! A farmer is on the road with a giant pig in the back of his truck when an UFO suddenly attacks them. Why are they the target and how...
Barney, a young man living with his father, tries to live a normal life despite a very uncommon particularity: his sense of gravity is inverted.
We feature today a very special short film. I, pet goat II is a trip in a world which is in fact a metaphor of our world. It critisizes politics, religion and the society with...
Un Petit plat pour l’Homme (a little dish for the man, reference to Neil Amstrong famous sentence) is a 3D short animation film directed by a student of Supinfocom Arles during his third year: Corentin...
Alpha is a short animation film in 3D in black and white (first part) and colors (second part). It was realized by three students of theAnimation Workshop : Nicolai Slothuus, Matthías Æ. Bjarnasson and Christian...
FriendSheep is a short animation film in 3D created by about twenty students of PrimerFrame. Along with a great realization, notably the animations, came a lot of humor.
Pigeons is a short animated film in 3D directed by Sandra Püttner, Franziska Miller, Johannes Englert and Phil Röger. He tells the story of three young pigeons looking for food. They are starved and don’t...
Ormie the Pig is a short-film based on a simple and efficient story: a pig wants more than everything to eat cookies but unfortunately these latest are on a jar located on a fridge. That...
Ghayth Chegaar, Eddy Loukil and Victor Jardel recently released their short animation film entitled Calvaire Fruité. This latest tells the story of a tall guy, Bold, brutal in spite of himself, and a tramp, Dirt,...
A young man, a self-confident mafia guy and two amateur hoodlums : here are the four characters of The Chase. More than even attracted by the content of a briefcase, they will chase and fight...
Papaye is a short animation film directed by Geoffrey Godet. This studen of Supinfocom realized it in only six months which is pretty impressive when you see the beautiful graphics of Papaye.
Réflexion is a 3D short animation film directed by the French collective Planktoon and Yoshimichi Tamura (animator on many Disney movies). So we are not so suprise to discover a very beautiful short-film with very...