

Beautiful illustrations by Christopher Balaskas Beautiful illustrations by Christopher Balaskas Illustration19.11.2014

Beautiful illustrations by Christopher Balaskas

Christopher Balaskas is an American illustrator based in New York. Through his works, he invites us to travel in worlds from his imagination.

Short Animation Film #245 : Interview Short Animation Film #245 : Interview 3D, Video15.11.2014

Short Animation Film #245 : Interview

Interview, it’s the story of a really strange job interview where everything is done to destabilize the candidate. He doesn’t even know for which job he came for! This short-film was created by students from...

The fascinating style of Carolina Rodriguez The fascinating style of Carolina Rodriguez Illustration14.11.2014

The fascinating style of Carolina Rodriguez

Today we invite you to discover the very original style of Carolina Rodriguez. This Colombian Illustrator currently lives in Bogota.

Stunning vector illustrations by Krzysztof Nowak Stunning vector illustrations by Krzysztof Nowak Illustration12.11.2014

Stunning vector illustrations by Krzysztof Nowak

The Polish artist Krzysztof Nowak is a real master of vector illustration and he shows his skills to us through is high quality portfolio.

Short Animation Film #244 : The Approximate Present Short Animation Film #244 : The Approximate Present 3D, Video08.11.2014

Short Animation Film #244 : The Approximate Present

Here is a really original work and it was created by a student of the University of the Arts Bremen, Germany. Filippo Baraccani explore the notion of time, climates and seasons and invites us to...

Great horror works by Apterus Graphics Great horror works by Apterus Graphics Illustration06.11.2014

Great horror works by Apterus Graphics

Apterus Graphics is the pseudonym of a freelance illustrator and concept artist based in Slovakia. Attracted by horror and the modifications of the human body enable by the modern robotics, he offers us a macabre...

Stunning skyscrapers illustrations by Romain Trystram Stunning skyscrapers illustrations by Romain Trystram Illustration05.11.2014

Stunning skyscrapers illustrations by Romain Trystram

French artist Romain Trystram is the author of remarkably colored and contrasted illustrations. He perfectly knows how to give a strong visual identity to an artwork. He recently created a set of wallpapers for a...

Amazing US dollars redesign by Travis Purrington Amazing US dollars redesign by Travis Purrington Graphic design03.11.2014

Amazing US dollars redesign by Travis Purrington

The artist Travis Purrington imagined a very interesting redesign of the American dollars bills during his studies at the Basel School of Design (Switzerland).

Short Animation Film #243 : Nebula Short Animation Film #243 : Nebula 3D, Video01.11.2014

Short Animation Film #243 : Nebula

Camille André, Marion Bulot, Clément Doranlo, Myriam Fourati, Jonghyun Jungboix, Alexis Kerjosse and Sarah Simon present Nebula.

Short Animation Film #242 : Jinxy Jenkins, Lucky you Short Animation Film #242 : Jinxy Jenkins, Lucky you 3D, Video25.10.2014

Short Animation Film #242 : Jinxy Jenkins, Lucky you

Here is a really funny and visually astonishing short-film. Jinxy Jenkins, Lucky you is the story of a very unlucky young man who meets an happy and really lucky woman. They encounter will be explosive!...

The fantastic works of Soufiane Idrassi The fantastic works of Soufiane Idrassi 3D, Graphic design, Illustration23.10.2014

The fantastic works of Soufiane Idrassi

Soufiane Idrassi is a 23 year-old Moroccan artist. Despite his young age, he is already skilled in multiple fields such as illustration, photo manipulation and 3D.

Short Animation Film #241 : FOL’AMOR Short Animation Film #241 : FOL’AMOR 3D, Video18.10.2014

Short Animation Film #241 : FOL’AMOR

Here is another fantastic short-film created by students of the French school Gobelins. FOL’AMOR is the crazy story of a high-born lady and a young knight who are frolicking in the forest.

Stunning science-fiction vehicles by Al Brady Stunning science-fiction vehicles by Al Brady Illustration16.10.2014

Stunning science-fiction vehicles by Al Brady

If you love science-fiction, here are some works that you should appreciate! These vehicles from a possible future come directly from the imagination of Al Brady, an English illustrator and concept artist based in Cambridge.

Very original micro paintings by Mesut Kul Very original micro paintings by Mesut Kul Traditional Painting15.10.2014

Very original micro paintings by Mesut Kul

Mesut Kul is a young artist, mainly a paintr, based in Turkey. Among all his works, we decided to focus today on his “Micro paintings”.

The fantastic style of Marta Sokolowska The fantastic style of Marta Sokolowska Traditional Drawing13.10.2014

The fantastic style of Marta Sokolowska

It can be really hard for illustrators to distinguish themselves with a very personal style. But Marta Sokolowska perfectly does that!

Short Animation Film #240 : MORTAL BREAKUP INFERNO Short Animation Film #240 : MORTAL BREAKUP INFERNO 3D, Video11.10.2014

Short Animation Film #240 : MORTAL BREAKUP INFERNO

A guy decides to broke up with his girlfriend and slips away in the middle of the night. Then his angry girlfriend starts an infernal hunt!

Stunning character design by Aleksey Baydakov Stunning character design by Aleksey Baydakov Illustration07.10.2014

Stunning character design by Aleksey Baydakov

If you like character design, here are some digital illustrations you should like!

Short Animation Film #239 : Orbitas Short Animation Film #239 : Orbitas 3D, Video04.10.2014

Short Animation Film #239 : Orbitas

Orbitas is an 3D animated short-film created by more than fifteen students from the Spanish school PrimerFrame. This eight minutes work tells the story of two female characters living alone on their own spaceship, in...

Felicia Simion : People of the Bluebell Felicia Simion : People of the Bluebell Photography30.09.2014

Felicia Simion : People of the Bluebell

We interviewed Felicia Simion for the first time when she was only 16. Now she is 20 and this Romanian photographer exhibits her shots in galleries in London and Paris.

Short Animation Film #238 : BROKEN : Rock, Paper, Scissors Short Animation Film #238 : BROKEN : Rock, Paper, Scissors 3D, Video27.09.2014

Short Animation Film #238 : BROKEN : Rock, Paper, Scissors

Everyone knows the famous game Rock, Paper, Scissors but the way BROKEN : Rock, Paper, Scissors brings this game to life is absolutely stunning.