

The strange universe of Greg M The strange universe of Greg M Traditional Drawing12.06.2016

The strange universe of Greg M

Greg M is a French artist who has a very unique style. His works are dark, strange and make us feel uncomfortable. Most of the time there are mutilated, deformed, bodies in very contrasted black...

Short Animation Film #266 : The Witcher 3 Launch Trailer Short Animation Film #266 : The Witcher 3 Launch Trailer 3D, Video16.05.2015

Short Animation Film #266 : The Witcher 3 Launch Trailer

May 19th is finally the official launch of The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt, an highly anticipated videogame which already get incredibly high rates everywhere in the world. To celebrate this launch, CD Projekt revealed...

The dark illustrations of Pavel Proskurin The dark illustrations of Pavel Proskurin Illustration10.10.2013

The dark illustrations of Pavel Proskurin

Pavel Proskurin is a 28 year-old Illustrator based in Ukraine. His works are full of details. The artist has a dark, strange and mature universe.

The strange universe of Liran Szeiman The strange universe of Liran Szeiman Illustration26.10.2012

The strange universe of Liran Szeiman

Liran Szeiman is a Spanish illustrator and designer based in Barcelona. She defines her art as surrealist and dark. Most of the time you can see really strange creatures on her works, and there don’t...