Orbitas is an 3D animated short-film created by more than fifteen students from the Spanish school PrimerFrame. This eight minutes work tells the story of two female characters living alone on their own spaceship, in...
Here is a short-film absolutely outstanding. R’ha is a work of science-fiction of six minutes written, directed and animated by only one artist: Kaleb Lechowski. This 22 year-old German student has already caught the eye...
Oceansize is a French short-animation film directed by four students of Supinfocom Arles in 2008: Romain Jouandeau, Adrien Chartie, Gilles Mazieres and Fabien Thareau. In a station in the middle of the ocean, an expedition in...
Warning, exceptional short film below! Online since last week, ROSA has already caught the eye of some Hollywoodian producers. This is the story of ROSA, a cyborg who wakes up in a post-apocalyptic world. But...
EXODUS is a short animation film created in several years by only one artist : Alexander Lehmann. This German director has worked with the band Noisia and directed the clip of EXODUS, a song by...
Final article of our serie of three articles about the art Blizzard Entertainment. It is one one the most famous and renown videogames developers in the world. This studio has notably created three stunning series:...
This week we feature an totally insane cinematic trailer from the upcoming MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) Star Wars The Old Republic.