Miss Todd is a short animation film created in stop-motion. The realization really impresses us and the subject of the production is also interesting. Indeed the story is inspired by E. Lilian Todd, the first...
WURST (which mean sausage in German) is a short animation film mixing traditional animations techniques and 3D for a very interesting visual result.
This week we feature a funny and very fast short-film. Micro Mayhem! follow a mad pursuit between a race car and a truck quickly join by a police car.
If you like stop motion movies, you will love The Maker. This short film already wons 12 awards and has screened at over 60 festivals worldwide. A talented team worked on this short film imagined...
Today we feature a beautiful short-film made in stop motion. The story plays a lot with the feeling of the viewer. We follow a character of the level Zero in a society where people are...
This week we feature a short-film created in stop motion. It tells the story of rabbids sharing a good meal and some memories around a table under a tree. But unfortunately for them, the wolf...
When Bunny meets Bear, it’s love at first sight. They are the perfect couple but one day, when Bear is about to propose, he is suddenly called by duty and have to take part in...
Carlos Lascano is a very talented 37 years-old Argentinean director and illustrator. He has directed the short-fillm “The can” to be a part of a program Red Bull organized with the University of Applied Arts...