Another short animation film by The Animation Workshop and this time it’s a creation from third year students: Simon Ternowitz, Ann-Helen Rinvar, Elisabet Hau, Kristján Ingólfsson, Mathias Nørgaard, Belinda Larsen, Jules Garreau and Karina Venneberg....
Today we feature an original short-film with a very impressive level of 3D. Indeed, the puppets seem very reel. A phenomenal work has been done on the textures as well as on the camera points...
Interview, it’s the story of a really strange job interview where everything is done to destabilize the candidate. He doesn’t even know for which job he came for! This short-film was created by students from...
At the beginning of the Great Depression, the industry is in a massive crisis and it is almost impossible for a man to find a job. Frank goes through the jobs offers in the newspaper...
Out of the Ordinary is a short animation film created by eight students of The Animation Workshop : Tommy Kinnerup, Dennis Jensen, Nikki Starostka, Atli V. Hafsteinsson, Stine Sæthre , Sandra N. Andersen, Keld Nissen...
The bachelor short-films from the prestigious school The Animation Workshop are online and we start featuring these today with Memoria. Beyond is beautiful realization, we especially like the atmosphere and story.
Ride of Passage tells the story of a young boy, Toki, who has to bring the head of the biggest animal he cans to his tribe. But is Toki really looking for the respect of...
A girl desparetely tries to activate a robot she created. But are her experiences really safe for her life and the robot life? To know the answer, take a look to Girl and Robot, a...
When an army of slugs decides to cross the garden of an old lady to reach a beautiful flower, the result is Slug Invasion. Unfortunately for them, their slowness and their size make them incredibly...
A young human being with only one wing is rejected by oppressive cows because he can’t fly. He tries to solve the problem by himself but finally it seems that he needs someone just like...
The short animation film from the 2012 students of The Animation Workshop are online and, as usual, the quality is here. LOAD is the work of seven students : David R. Christensen, Lasse H.N. Smith,...
A man drives his car furiously down a narrow road, surrounded by a vast forest. When he encounters a deer in the middle of the road he makes a villainous attempt to ram it. At...
A gorgeous visual style, amazing animations, a fantastic soundtrack and an original story: this perfectly define The Backwater Gospel, a short animation film released in the beginning of this year and which will be probably...
Here is a new short animation film that we will make you smile. The Saga of Biorn tells the story of an old viking called Biorn. These latest wants to die honorably in a battle...